American Ceramic Technology, Inc. is the manufacturer of Silflex® Shielding, the award winning nonhazardous, non-lead radiation shielding. American Ceramic Technology, Inc. is an ISO 9001:2015 certified organization.
American Ceramic Technology not only supplies shielding material we can provide shielding ideas and solutions. Collectively our staff has over 100 years of Radiation Protection experience at commercial power generation facilities; with over 50 of those years specific to ALARA.
In 2005, Silflex® tungsten shielding was developed and certified by Entergy and ANO in 2007 for use in the nuclear industry. We have expanded into the medical, military, NDT, mining, x-ray and oil & gas industries.
Designed with a flexible silicone base, we have many radiation shielding materials and product options. We design custom solutions to help customers achieve their ALARA goals. Silflex® shielding is designed for maximum radiation dose reduction to protect personnel and equipment.
American Ceramic Technology has changed the way people look at radiation shielding prototypes. Our technology allows nuclear power plants, laboratories and naval reactors to provide a safer, cleaner and more efficient work environment. We look forward to working with you.

Nuclear Reactor Shielding

Tungsten Shielding

Bismuth Shielding

Nuclear Reactor Shielding
Specialty Products
About Us
We've adopted the use of Silflex tungsten
shielding for select areas. The use of tungsten shielding and bismuth shielding vs lead blankets reduced our recent weld overlay dose by about 4 rem. Using tungsten shielding significantly reduced dose rates on our cavity drain line and eliminated a locked high radiation area condition seen in previous outages when lead blankets were used.
- Rob, Farley NP
The installation of our modification was tedious and unlike any other lead shielding installation people are familiar with because of the sensitivity of the components. Any inadvertent bumping of the level switches could place the plant at risk. In all, the Silflex tungsten shielding will reduce area dose rates by about 50 percent which will lead to a significant increase in uptime.
- Joe, Fermi NGS
The tiles have arrived and so far we’re very impressed with it, crazy how magnetic it is.
- Scott, CNL
The Silflex lead blanket replacements worked great! They fit perfectly in the tight space and were used throughout the process except for actually installing the clamps. We saved 1.5 Rem during MSIP having the shielding.
- Shari, Comanche Peak NPP